Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Cham community Imam Hasan: traditional livelihoods

Most people know that the Cham Muslims left the Kingdom of Champa, used to control some territory, mostly current Vietnambetween the 2nd and the 17th century AD, but what most people do not know is that the Cham communitydivided into two groups. As in the Buddhist community in the country, which is divided into two sects of Buddhism mhanikeay and sectarian thommoyoutte Cham there are two types that comply with Islamic current (modern Islam) and those who obey Islamic ancient Champa.
Cham almost all modern Islamic leader is Duke Sos, Norodom Sihanouk was appointed Chairman of the Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs in Cambodia. Our present-day Muslims living throughout the country, and most are in Kampong Cham. This population is approximately 5 thousand people (according to the Ministry of Culture and Religion, and the Duke research Sos ).
A small group Cham, who seems to have been forgotten and that is Imam San community, led by the Duke khnuo Qaeda care. Those who abide by this group still operated that many ancient Champa and settled in the village 35 of Kampong Chhnang, Pursat, Battambang province.
Traditional Cham

When the fall of the Kingdom of Champa kingdom was succeeded by Arab tribes, and Malaysia, and most of the Cham switch to modern Muslims. But Cham, led by Duke Sos keep religion and tradition, which left the United Arab Emirates and Malaysia. The group changed the character of the Arab character Champ, which is used almost in every village of Cham in Cambodia today.
However, the village's 35 Imam Hasan and still maintain religious tradition inherited from the ancient kingdom of Champa. Cham Imam Hasan different from the Cham Muslims today because this team has to take some influence from Hinduism and Buddhism enter any part of these festivals. Obviously, the most important part of the wedding ceremony wedding Cham Imam Hasan is the most similar to unwed most of the Buddhist style wedding.
The number of each year's festival of the Cham Imam Hasan is more remarkable. This was due to the Cham Imam Hasan celebrates the festival of the ancient Champa modern festival of the Cham. Cham Muslims today do not carry out the festival's Champa early due to the influence of modern Islam, Malaysia and Saudi Arabia.
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